During Beriths 30+ years of working in the beauty/fashion industry (you can read about some bits here) she has been lucky enough to try many different products made by many different brands.

"I consider myself a Beauty Junkie and my standards and expectation of products are high, so when I was first introduced to Arbonne as a business opportunity I was dismissive. I was, however, open minded to trying some of their products and was given a gold bag filled with skin care items to use for three days.

My skin looked and felt great after the trial but I wasn't in the market for any new skincare items so I gave back the gold bag and went back to my usual routine. After a few days I realised that I wasn't enjoying my old products as much, and what's more: I felt like I was missing the products so I went back and bought them."

"I kept getting compliments on my skin and so I found myself talking to friends about Arbonne and without trying I was promoting the business. It got to the point where I had inadvertently recommended so many items that it didn't make sense to not go back and consider the business oportunity."

5 years on I still use the same products that I was introduced to and Arbonne is well and truly routen in my life and in my business. I am hugely grateful that I was introduced to Arbonne: I love being part of the community, having such great products for my business, using them to better my life, and helping other people do the same.

I now use Arbonne products almost exclusively, not because I have to but because I believe that they work better for me than any alternative that I've tried."

To find out more about Arbonne you can visit their website here and to view any products available to purchast you can visit Berith's Arbonne shop here.